The Role of Repetition in Workplace Conversations
This article is a primarily a stylistic analysis of a conversation taking place between colleagues working together. Emphasis is placed also on sociolinguistic factors (e.g., the asymmetry of the conversation and the distribution of the social roles of the two interlocutors) that result in the use of specific linguistic features (especially first-, second- and third-person singular and plural pronouns and verb forms such as the indicative, imperative and conditional moods and also the use of the infinitive) and a specific degree of “politeness” expressed in the conversation by one of the interlocutors. Methods of interactive linguistics are used to analyse repetition as an important conversational discourse strategy, and various types of repetition (e.g., intentional/unintentional, identical/modified, intensifying, confirmatory, corrective: “self-corrections” and corrections of the interlocutor) are distinguished with regard to prosody and sequential context. A detailed analysis of a short section of the conversation highlights the role played by gestures and facial expressions (also with regard to repetitions) in maintaining mutual intelligibility between the interlocutors and in coordinating their shared work.
doprovodný pracovní rozhovor, (spolu)konstrukce vzájemného porozumění partnerů, sekvenční kontext, opakování, prozódie, gesta a pohledy
workplace conversation, (co-)establishment of mutual intelligibility between interlocutors, sequential context, repetition, prosody, gestures and facial expressions
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