Journal for Modern Philology is a peer-reviewed non-impacted linguistic e-journal currently published biannually by Faculty of Arts Press, Charles University. It was launched in 1911 and between 1926 and 1935 it was the main publication outlet for the Prague Linguistic Circle. It is concerned with contrastive linguistics, the study of West-European languages in contrast with Czech (or Slovak). The focus is primarily on major European languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese), to a minor extent on other languages. Items include original articles covering all aspects of contrastive linguistic description, along with interdisciplinary approaches. However, in view of the range of other, specialized periodicals, Journal for Modern Philology does not, with a few exceptions, accept items dealing with issues concerning Slavic Studies, Oriental Studies, teaching methodology, Translation Studies and Literary Sciences.
Since 2015 Journal for Modern Philology is an Open Access journal with online content freely available to the readers under the CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license. Full articles are available on the internet to all readers immediately upon publication and their further non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.
No fees are charged for the manuscript submission, processing, and publication.
ISSN 0008-7386 (Print, untill 2021)
ISSN 2336-6591 (Online)