

Frazéma ako jazykový znak a jazykotvorný činiteľ

The Idiom as a Linguistic Sign and a Linguistically Creative Element

Silvia Vertanová




An idiom is a communicatively motivated complex language sign. Its emergence does not take place in accordance with the system of a language as it is currently stabilized; in a certain sense it represents its disruption. The poetic function of a language plays a significant role here. Its influence in spoken language creates figurative units with high persuasive value and a new phraseological meaning arises. However, it turns out that the process of phraseme creation also introduces new partial meanings in its components. It can be stated that there is a dependence between the polysemy of the word and its occurrence in idioms. Therefore, from the point of view of examining this phenomenon, it is necessary to consider the cognitive processes in speech activity. Thus, the issue of phraseology does not only belong to the phenomena of langue and parole but it is directly related to language.


jazykový znak, kognitívne procesy, asociácia, frazéma, polysémia


linguistic sign, cognitive processes, association, idiom, polysemy




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